Will Horse Slaughter be coming to your neighborhood? Do we need Horse Slaughter in America? Can Horse Slaughter be made humane? Is horse meat toxic? Does Horse Slaughter solve abuse and neglect? Does Horse Slaughter encourage over breeding? Will our wild horses and burros be slaughtered? Will horse slaughter in America prevent our horses from crossing our borders to Mexico and Canada? You can find the answers to these questions and more in the following short videos and news segments.

Americans are still largely uninformed about the attrocities that befall our American Horses today.  Once informed 80% of America is against the vial Horse Slaughter industry.  Unfortunately our government is largely bought and paid for by large lobbying organizations like the Big AG industry. Late 2011, three lawmakers in Washington, D.C. (Rep. Kingston, Sen. Blunt and Sen. Kohl), legalized Horse Slaughter once again in the U.S. by removing language from an Agriculture Appropriations bill.


This video is a recent news segment as a result of the  Summit of the Live Horse Press Conference, in Oklahoma City on April 3rd.

This aggriculture Appropriations bill had previously prohibited federal funds from being spent to inspect horse slaughter plants since 2007 when the last of the U.S. horse slaughter plants closed their doors. President Obama signed the new bill into law and in doing so ignited a heated anti/pro-horse debate, which crosses all of the socio-economic demographics of the U.S.     This video is newfootage interviewing Simone Netherlands as a result of the Summit of the Live Horse Press Conference in Oklahoma City April 3rd. Its shows Representative Jerry Peak stating that he has cared for more horses than the speakers of the Summit of the live Horse have. This is a ridiculous statement for a legislator and we are rather sure, that even though he may have bought and sold many horses in his life, he has never cared for any of them.

This years Summit of the (dead) Horse was canceled by the horse eaters, but that does not mean they will stop strategyzing on how to increase the demand for horse meat, how to slaughter our wild horses and how to open new horse slaughter plants in America. They continue to try and convince people, the horse industry plus themselves that horse slaughter is humane! This is last years footage of the Summit of the dead horse and a very informative piece by Award winning reporter George Knapp.

AZ TV Many Americans are still uninformed about these attrocities that go on in this civilized country. However 80% of Americans is against this vial industry once they find out. Yet our government is largely bought and paid for by large lobbying organizations like the Big AG industry. Late last year, three lawmakers in Washington, D.C. (Rep. Kingston, Sen. Blunt and Sen. Kohl), legalized Horse Slaughter in the U.S. by removing language from an Agriculture Appropriations bill, which had prohibited federal funds from being spent to inspect horse slaughter plants.  President Obama signed the bill into law and in doing so ignited a heated anti/pro-horse debate, which crosses all of the socio-economic demographics of the U.S.

To stand up for horses today, please call your senators and representatives and also the president. Urge them to protect our American horses from the needless cruelty.

Obama Contact:
Phone: 202-456-1111
Fax: 202-456-2461
Email: click here.

In memory of all unfortunate horses that suffered through the brutality of slaughter. This is an informative video with accurate statistics and numbers. Please bear witness, get informed, then speak up, and make a difference for horses today. Please share and distribute this video to all who are not convinced that we need to end Horse Slaughter. Video produced by Respect4Horses in cooperation with Lonita Stewart of the Canadian Horse Defense Coalition.

Saving America’s Horses. The lies of the horse slaughter industry are being exposed and their greed motivated agendas made very very clear. Although the subject is not easy to deal with, it is of utmost importance that YOU get educated about what is happening right now. Every 5 minutes another American horse comes to it’s terrible ending in the Mexican and Canadian horse slaughter plants. Remember, the triumph of evil is only possible if good people (like you) decide to stay quiet. Click here to find out what you can do.

Maria Daines plea to the American Government is powerful, as the plight of our American Wild Horses is now reaching across the oceans. This is in London, at the American Embassy, on the same day as the protests in L.A. and Washington D.C. and Las Vegas. She is the writer and singer of the great wild horse song: I want to be free. (It is the song you hear in the video of the protest.) Please buy her song on iTunes.
Thank you Maria!!

This video is a good explanation of the simple facts and numbers. If you look at the numbers, the outrageousness of the BLM policies become very clear. Cattle ranchers and mining interests continue to overtake our public lands and all wildlife and wild horses are the innocent victims. Who can take anyone serious when they claim that 25,000 wild horses are causing deterioration to the public lands when there are over 8 million cattle grazing on that same land? Look at the numbers and then tell me, are you outraged? To become an internet activist for horses send an email to Respect4Horses

Wendy Malick is making a statement for Respect 4 Horses on how she feels about the BLM taking wild horses and burros off of their rightful ranges. She is using her fame as an actress (You may recognize her from Just Shoot Me, Frazier, Hot In Cleveland, etc.) to help spread the word. Thank you Wendy! Other celebrities helping this cause are: Vigo Mortensen, Willie Nelson, Sheryl Crow and Bo Derek. We are looking for more celebrities to help spread this important message. If you can help with this, call: 928-308-6718 or email Respect4Horses

Horse people all over the country are outraged. Over a hundred concerned citiz- ens and horse advocates flew to Washington D.C. to make their voices heard for the voiceless. The pro- test started in front of the white house from where the entire group marched to the BLM headquarters, D.O.I.. Horse welfare organizations throughout the United States are unified on this issue of cruelty to the ones on who’s back we built this country.

We need YOUR help. To join us next time call 928-308-6718.